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HOME > Temperature Controllers, Programmable Controllers > Modular Controllers QX1 series
Modular Controllers
QX1 series
Control Module
QTC1-2 Spec sheet
QTC1-2 Instruction manuals
QTC1-4 Spec sheet
QTC1-4 Instruction manuals
Mounting and wiring instruction manual
Console software
Communication Expansion Module
Spec sheet
Instruction manuals
Mounting and wiring instruction manual
Console software
Spec sheet
Instruction manuals
Mounting and wiring instruction manual
Console software
4 points
Analog I/O Module
Spec sheet
Instruction manuals
Mounting and wiring instruction manual
Console software

Modular Controllers

QX1 series  

Max. 1024 points measurement, control and monitoring

QX1 series
main features
 - Max. 1024-point measurement and control
 - Program-less connections to PLCs for reduced work
  (SIF function)

 - Usable as an analog module for reducing initial costs
  and wiring

 - Failure prediction maintenance
 - Peak power suppression function for lower power
  equipment costs

 - Improved product quality
 - Five included control methods for reduced manual labor
 - Maintenance improvements
 - Other functions

Control Module (2ch) QTC1-2  
 Control Module (4ch) QTC1-4
 - Model
 - Specifications
 - Dimensions

Communication Expansion Module QMC1-C□  
 - Model
 - Communication Specifications

 - Dimensions

Communication Expansion Module QMC1-MT
 (Ethernet communication)

 - Model

 - Communication Specifications

 - Dimensions

4 points Analog I/O Module QAM1-4
 - Model

 - Specifications

 - Dimensions



Max. 1024-point measurement and control
Each control module offers controller functionality for up to four units and can be used individually or combined.
When used with a host, the modules offer flexibility in constructing both large-scale and small-scale systems.

Connecting the modules enables measurement and control of up to 1024 points.

When used independently, the modules can be used for control or communication with a host.
This make it easy to add monitoring targets.
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Program-less connections to PLCs for reduced work
(SIF function)
The Smart InterFace (SIF) function (program-less PLC communication function) enables direct connectivity to
PLCs from various manufacturers.

SIF function QMC1

SIF function QTC1

Manufacturer Register Communication command
Made by Mitsubishi Electric (*) D register QR/QW
Made by Mitsubishi Electric R register QR/QW
Made by Mitsubishi Electric D register WR/WW
Made by Mitsubishi Electric R register WR/WW
Made by OMRON DM register FINS command
Made by Keyence DM register RDS/WRS

* The SIF function of the control module QTC1 is exclusively for Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
PLC D register QR/QW.


User layer TCP/IP
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation PLC MELSEC
Communication Protocol
 Frame: QnA compatible 3E frame (SLMP 3E frame)
 Code: Binary or ASCII
 Connectable PLC: 1 unit

Settings can be easily changed using the console software, making it possible to manage multiple
modules at once.
OS: Windows 10, Windows 11 (Japanese/English)

Settings can be easily changed using the console software

Please use Communication Expansion Module QMC1-C□ when replacing Shinko C series devices.

Communication Expansion Module QMC1 when replacing Shinko C series devices
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Usable as an analog module for reducing initial costs and wiring

The QX1 series can be used as an analog module, helping to reduce initial costs and required wiring work.

Usable as an analog module

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Failure prediction maintenance

Failure prediction maintenance
Check usage statuses using the following measurement functions.
1. Cumulative heater energization time (QTC1)
2. Cumulative module energization time (QMC1, QTC1)
3. Cumulative relay contact open/close count (QTC1)

In the event of an error, the error number and energization time are saved.
The 10 most recent errors are saved. (Error history: Can be checked with console software) (QTC1)
Error history display

The input difference detection function makes it possible to monitor for input differences between channels. (QTC1)

Risk avoidance in case of emergency
The output selection function can be used to switch between outputs. (QTC1)
For example, in the event of a CH1 output failure, CH2 output is enabled.

A signal can be output if heater burnout is detected. (QTC1)
[Heater burnout alarm options: Single-phase, 3-phase (3- phase: QTC1-2 only)]

Alarm output signals can be used to start or stop control. (QMC1-C□, QTC1)
[Event input/output (optional)]

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Peak power suppression function for lower power equipment costs

Peak power suppression function
The total current can be set for the module, and power suppression control can be performed when the sum
of the current values set for each channel is less than or equal to the total current.
This can help minimize investments in power equipment.

Example of peak power suppression function output timing

Peak power suppression function

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Improved product quality

Multi-zone connection (Auto-balance control)
Take advantage of uniform control locations (zones) of a control target (group) through linking.
This helps prevent partial burning and mechanical distortion while also reducing adverse effects on product quality.

Auto-balance control works with multiple connected modules Auto-balance control

Individual output amount settings (output gain, bias control)
If required output amounts are known in advance, such as when controlling heaters in multiplelocations (zones) for
a single input point, uniform control of multiple zones is possible.
Combining output selection functions reduces the number of input terminals needed, initial costs can also be reduced.

Output gain, bias control
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Five included control methods for reduced manual labor

Control characteristics vary depending on the control target.
The QX1 series includes five control methods to meet a variety of control characteristics.
2DOF PID control
In addition to target value tracking and disturbance responsiveness, this well-balanced system reduces overshooting.
(When using default control action.)

2DOF PID control

Fast-PID control
This control method emphasizes target value tracking.
This control method works best when replacing the controller with a Shinko product.
(Doing so provides better performance.)

Fast-PID control

Slow-PID control
This control method prioritizes preventing overshooting rather than attaining a target value.

Slow-PID control

Gap-PID control
This control method is effective with fast responses such as for flow rates and valves.
(Deviation characteristics are provided within the gap.)

Gap-PID control

ON-OFF control
This control method is selected for operating devices that turn heaters and other equipment on or off.

ON-OFF control
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Maintenance improvements

The numerous LEDs allow users to visually
check statuses and errors on-site.
LED display
Setting can be easily changed using the
console software, making it possible to
manage multiple modules at once.
OS: Windows 10, Windows 11

The plug-in construction of the modules
make replacement incredibly simple.
Specification setting
Commercially available cables (Micr USB Type-B) can be
used as connecting cables.
to top

Other functions
Heating/cooling control Heating and cooling are controlled with CH1 used as the heating-side input and CH2 as the cooling-side input. (Up to 2 loops are possible with the QTC1-4.)
Cascade control The adjusted CH1 variable, obtained from the SV and PV of CH1, is substituted for the SV of CH2, enabling CH2 control calculation and outputting. (Up to 2 loops are possible with the QTC1-4.)
Heater burnout alarm (optional) Detects and outputs heater burnout.
The CT and the connector harness WQ for heater burnout alarm are sold separately.
Event input/output (optional) Event input (4 points) or event output (4 points) can be added.
Connector harness EVQ for event input/output is sold separately.
Input difference detection Detects the input difference between two channels, and sets a flag when the difference exceeds the set value.
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Control Module  QTC1



For the QTC1-2, CH3 and CH4 are not available.

(*2): CT and connector harness are sold separately.
(*3): Single-phase or 3-phase is available for the QTC1-2.
(*4): Connector harness is sold separately.
(*5): For the QTC1-2, Event input/output (2 points)

Input Codes/Output Codes
Input Codes/Output Codes
to top

At an ambient temperature of 23 and a mounting angle of 5 degrees
Thermocouple input Within 0.2% of each input span
However, below 0 (32): Within ±0.4% of each input span
R, S inputs, 0 to 200 (32 to 392): Within 6 (12)
B input, 0 to 300 (32 to 572): Accuracy is not guaranteed.
RTD input Within 0.1% of each input span
Current/voltage input Within 0.2% of each input span
Input sampling
20 ms (current/voltage input only enabled)
50 ms (current/voltage input only enabled)
125 ms
Note: Fixed to 125 ms regardless of settings for thermocouple input and RTD input
Communication line EIA RS-485
Communication method Half-duplex communication
Synchronization method Start-stop synchronization
Communication speed 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 bps
Communication protocol MODBUS RTU
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Dimensions (Scale:mm)

QTC1-2, QTC1-4

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Communication Expansion Module QMC1-C□

This instrument is a communication expansion module that connects to the control module (QTC1-□ ) for Ethernet communication.
A maximum of 16 control modules QTC1-20 (no power supply / communication option) (hereinafter referred to as QTC1-20) or QTC1-40 (no power supply / communication option) (hereinafter referred to as QTC1-40) can be connected via BUS, and a maximum of 64 points can be controlled.


(*1): When using the SIF function (Smart InterFace, program-less communication function),
to connect to a PLC manufactured by OMRON Corporation or KEYENCE Corporation,
cannot be connected with RS-485 communication type (QMC1-C5□).
Only RS-422A communication type (QMC1-C4□) can be connected.
(*2): The plug side connector of the event input/output connector is sold separately.
* The communication protocol can be changed using the Console software(SWC-QMC101M).
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Communication Specifications
EIA RS-422A compliant
EIA RS-485 compliant
Half-duplex communication
Start-stop synchronization
Selecting 9600, 19200, 38400, or 57600 bps is possible using tha DIP switches.
(Set with console
Communication protocol Register Communication command
Made by Mitsubishi Electric D register QR/QW
Made by Mitsubishi Electric R register QR/QW
Made by Mitsubishi Electric D register WR/WW
Made by Mitsubishi Electric R register WR/WW
Made by OMRON DM register FINS command
Made by Keyence DM register RDS/WRS

C series compatible protocols are selected by model name.
Number of
Control module: Max 16 modules
Power supply
24 V DC  Allowable fluctuation range: 20 to 28 V DC
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Dimensions (Scale:mm)


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Communication Expansion Module QMC1-MT

This instrument is the communication expansion module for communication translation and data management.
Connects to control module (QTC1-□ ) for Ethernet communication (MODBUS/TCP or SIF function).


Communication Specifications
Ethernet communication  Connects to the control module (QTC1-□ ) for Ethernet communication (MODBUS/TCP or SIF function).
Physical layer 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX automatic recognition
User layer MODBUS/TCP Number of connections: 1

SIF function
(Smart InterFace, programless communication function)
This function reads and writes various data to PLC registers using the communication protocol of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation's PLC MELSEC.
User layer TCP/IP
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation PLC MELSEC Communication Protocol
Frame: QnA compatible 3E frame (SLMP 3E frame)
Code: Binary or ASCII
Connectable PLC: 1 unit

Communication line Internal Bus
Communication method Half-duplex communication
Synchronization method Start-stop synchronization
Communication speed 57600 bps
Data bit/Parity/Stop bit  Data bit:  8
Parity:   Even
Stop bit:  1

Power supply voltage 24 V DC
Allowable fluctuation range: 20 to 28 V DC
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Dimensions (Scale:mm)


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4 points Analog I/O Module  QAM1-4

QAM1 Model

For input-only type, output code selection is invalid.
For output-only type, input code selection is invalid.

Output Codes
Output Codes

Output code N is valid only when I/O type 0 (input 4 points) is selected.

Input Codes
Input Codes

Input code N is valid only when I/O type 1 (output 4 points) is selected.

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Power supply voltage 24 V DC
Allowable voltage fluctuation 20 to 28 V DC
Power consumption 5 W or less
Input base accuracy When the ambient temperature is 23 and the mounting angle is 5 degrees
Thermocouple input Within 0.2% of each input span
However, below 0 (32): Within ±0.4% of each input span
R, S inputs, 0 to 200 (32 to 392): Within 6 (12)
B input, 0 to 300 (32 to 572): Accuracy is not guaranteed.
RTD input Within 0.1% of each input span

Direct current input
DC voltage input

Within 0.2% of each input span
Output base accuracy

When the ambient temperature is 23 and the mounting angle is 5 degrees
Direct current input, DC voltage input: Within 0.2% of each output span

Cold junction compensation

Within ±1 at -10 to 50
Input sampling
20 ms (current/voltage input only enabled)
50 ms (current/voltage input only enabled)
125 ms
Note: Fixed to 125 ms regardless of settings for thermocouple input and RTD input
Output update cycle 20 ms
Output circuit response time 100 ms or less (excluding 0 to 90 % communication cycle time)
Setting accuracy Same as base accuracy
Ambient temperature -10 to 50 (no condensation or freezing)
Ambient humidity 35 to 85%RH (no condensation)
Environmental specification RoHS directive compliant
Weight Approx. 170 g
Communication line EIA RS-485 (C5 option)
Communication method Half-duplex communication
Synchronization method Start-stop synchronization
Communication protocol MODBUS RTU or SIF specifications can be selected by DIP switch
Communication speed 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38400 bps or 57600 bps can be selected by DIP switch
Data bit/Parity/Stop bit

Select the following with the DIP switch
Data bit: 8
Parity:    Even, Odd, No parity
Stop bit: 1 or 2

response delay time

Set the delay time to return the response from the module after receiving the command from the host.
0 to 1000 ms

Connection type Multi-drop
Communication method 2-wire half-duplex
Synchronization method Bit-synchronous
Error detection CRC-16
Number of occupied
slave addresses
Maximum number of
connected nodes

64 nodes

Communication speed,
Communication distance

Communication speed

Maximum network length
12 Mbps 100 m
6 Mbps 200 m
3 Mbps 300 m
Isolation method Pulse transformer isolation
Impedance 100
Termination resistance

Last connection, set by CUnet slave
This instrument is not equipped.

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Dimensions (Scale:mm)


QAM1-4 Dimensions
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